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The Geo-/ Cosmochemistry working group focuses on development and application of novel analytical techniques in the fields of isotope and trace element geochemistry. Our research focus is placed on high temperature processes related to crust-mantle evolution on Earth, the origin of the solar system and early Earth evolution. Over the past years, low temperature processes have additionally become a research topic of our group.

Our group co-ordinates a nation-wide DFG priority research program on early Earth evolution (SPP 1833 “Building a Habitable Earth”) and hosts an ERC Advanced Grant program (AdG 669666 “Infant Earth”) that is investigating the history of Earth’s early evolution from the combined record of meteorites and Earth’s oldest rocks.

Since early 2017, we operate a newly furnished clean lab facility at Cologne with distinct facilities for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples. The new facility is located in our new institute building (Zülpicherstr. 49b Cologne). It is equipped with two Thermo Neptune Multi-Collector ICP-mass spectrometers for radiogenic and stable isotope measurements and one iCAP quadrupole ICP-mass spectrometer for conventional trace element analysis. These facilities are complemented by a newly acquired Panalytical Zetium XRF system and an electron microprobe (JEOL JXA-8900RL Superprobe).